Prior to booking appointment please let us know if you've had any previous work done on your lips or brows. Please send us a picture prior to booking your appointment to get approval first, to make sure it's something we can help you with.
Nano Brows are performed with Nano needle machine and cosmetic pigment to create the most
hyper-realistic eyebrows, it's a great technique for any skin type and any age. They blend seamlessly into your natural eyebrows.
It requires a 6-8 week perfections touch up procedure.
Ombre Brows Offers a more defined look. The pigment is lighter at the start of the brow, and gradually gets darker at the tail. Resembles a soft powdery make up look. This service is perfect for brows that have little to no brow hair. Good for all skin types specially for oily skin.
It requires a 6-8 week perfections touch up procedure.
Lip Blushing Cosmetic tattoo of the lips that will enhance the beauty of the natural lip color, defining the shape and liner, giving definition and the illusion of fullness. Once healed results are very natural.
It requires a 6-8 week perfections touch up procedure.